We’re absolutely thrilled to annouce support for one of the most popular WordPress plugins available – Yoast SEO Premium. With the generous work and support of Joost’s team, ShieldPRO is fully integrated with, and supports file scanning of, all Yoast SEO premium plugins.

This was made possible with their efforts to build out support for our open WPHashes.com platform. WPHashes.com is our initiative to provide an open, secure, clean, and fast API for accessing the checksums/hashes for all WordPress plugins and themes.

WordPress.org already provides checksums for its official WordPress Core releases, but we wanted to build access to the checksums for all WordPress assets.

In order to build these checksums for plugins and themes, you need access to the official files. For premium plugins, this is a challenge and requires the cooperation from the respective developers.

We count ourselves fortunate to now have the support of plugin developers for some of the biggest WordPress plugins you can buy.

Just last week we also announced support for the WordPress Multilingual Plugin (WPML) in the WPHashes API (and our ShieldPRO plugin), too.

What Plugins Does ShieldPRO / WPHashes.com Support?

At the time of writing, we’ve now integrated with:

Is Your Favourite Premium Plugin/Theme Not On The List?

We’re always reaching out to other developers and organisations to integrate their plugins into our WPHashes API.

If there is one that you’d like to see, please use your influence as a customer of theirs to prompt them to work with us and contribute to the WPHashes project.

It’s completely free for them to do and we’ll do the work to build the integration on our side.

As always, if you have any questions or suggestions for us, please do let us know.