Shield Security PRO wordpress ip block Feature Graphic
July 26, 2024 by Paul G. | Security, WordPress Solutions

How to Secure Your WP Site by Blocking IPs

Learn effective strategies for blocking harmful IPs on your WP site to prevent spam & enhance security – a must-read for site owners.

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Shield Security PRO wordpress user enumeration Feature Graphic
July 24, 2024 by Paul G.

How to Secure WordPress from User Enumeration Attacks

Learn how to detect and prevent WordPress user enumeration attacks. Get ahead with expert tips and secure your site effectively!

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Shield Security Release 20.0
July 23, 2024 by Paul G.

WP Shield Security PRO – Release 20.0

Shield Security 20.0 brings huge improvements to making WordPress security management easier, with improved navigation and UI, along with code optimisations.

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Shield Security Pro WordPress passwordless login featured image
July 22, 2024 by Paul G.

Strengthening Your WordPress Fence with Passwordless Logins

Elevate your WordPress security with passwordless logins. Discover how ShieldPRO seamlessly fortifies your site against threats.

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ShieldNOTES Banner
July 22, 2024 by Paul G.

ShieldNOTES Ep#23: Numerous High Risk Vulnerabilities, and a closer look at SQL Injection 💉 Attacks

Super-critical vulnerabilities discovered in several popular plugins.

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Shield Security PRO SQL injection WordPress
July 19, 2024 by Paul G.

Fortifying Your WordPress Site Against SQL Injection Attacks

Secure your WordPress site from SQL injection threats with Shield Security. Our guide provides protection methods and advanced practices for peace of mind.

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ShieldNOTES Banner
July 15, 2024 by Paul G.

ShieldNOTES Ep#22: Recurring Vulnerabilities & No Fixes Available; & silentCAPTCHA

Multiple plugins identified with recurring vulnerabilities including some no fixes. We also introduce our silentCAPTCHA technology.

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Shield Security PRO WordPress admin security featured image
July 12, 2024 by Paul G.

How to Secure Your WP Admin: Advanced Tips

Elevate WP admin security with expert hacks and ShieldPRO's cutting-edge tools to thwart advanced threats and simplify defences.

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Shield Security silentCAPTCHA bot detection technology feature image
July 11, 2024 by Paul G.

silentCAPTCHA: Quiet, Invisible CAPTCHA for WordPress Bots

silentCAPTCHA is Shield's bot detection solution, specific to WordPress sites. It replaces the need for Google reCAPTCHA or CloudFlare Turnstile for bots.

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Shield Security PRO WordPress user login history featured image.
July 10, 2024 by Paul G.

How to Track WordPress User Logins for Enhanced Site Security

Master WordPress security by monitoring user logins with ShieldPRO. Experience peace of mind with advanced tracking and brute force defence.

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