Some critical vulnerabilities to review, and a head-to-head of security plugins from our blog.

#1 – Vulnerability: WordPress Automatic Plugin

If you use this plugin, upgrade immediately.

How will I know I’m okay?
Upgrade to v3.92.1+

What’s the risk?
SQL injection with 9.9/10 severity allows any attacker to interact with your database.

Editor Comment
Please use ShieldPRO’s auto-upgrade feature for vulnerable plugins.

More Info →

#2 – Vulnerability: WordPress Royal Elementor Addons Plugin

If you use this plugin, upgrade immediately.

How will I know I’m okay?
Upgrade to v1.3.95+

What’s the risk?
Arbitary File Upload with 8.2/10 severity allows any attacker to upload a file to your site.

Editor Comment
Please use ShieldPRO’s auto-upgrade feature for vulnerable plugins.

More Info →

#3 – Wordfence vs Sucuri (vs Shield)

We’re often asked about how we compare to Wordfence and our response is usually something like, “We don’t”.

Which Security Plugin Is Best?
Simple: the one that does what you need it to do.

What’s the difference?
Each security service offers different features and takes a slightly different approach. We believe in prevention over cure, and logging over constant alerts.

We’ve done a bit of a diff between 2 of the most popular security plugins and then provided a bit of a comparison with Shield.

More Info →

Thanks for reading, and have a great week!

Paul Goodchild
Shield Security for WordPress