Say hi to Shield – the professional security solution for WordPress.

Shield is a new-kid-on-the-block (2013) and is the (jointly) high-rated WordPress security plugin. It’s the best for huge variety of reasons – the most critical is that we keep your websites secure.

Why ‘Shield’?

The WordPress Simple Firewall began as a rewrite of the WordPress Firewall 2 plugin. It was a very old plugin that was actually quite effective in its simplicity.

But we quickly adapted the plugin to serve many other needs we had. As our dissatisfaction grew with existing security plugins, we kept adding to it.

We have received heaps of support from loyal users who love its simplicity and rock-solid reliability. It became obvious to us that our approach to security was resonating with many people.

A lot of security plugins out there are “me too” plugins. If 1 plugin implements a feature, then they all follow suit. This behaviour perpetrates a number of security misconceptions. If some “security” plugins have a particular feature, then to not have it means you appear vulnerable and lacking, in comparison.

We see this differently. We implement only features that serve a tangible, significant benefit. If it doesn’t, we don’t do it.

We keep things simple.

But a ‘simple’ implementation implies, to many people, simplistic. Our plugin is hugely powerful, but our old name suggests otherwise.

We’d previously tried to shift our name to “WordPress Security Firewall”, but it was lame, and actually caused confusion.

A new, bold name was need and ‘Shield Security‘ was it.

ShieldPRO vs Shield Free

Suffice it to say, Shield Free is still the same plugin with all the same great features and they’ll always be free. This will never change.

The main difference being Premium support is a lack of any of the important Pro features. You may see here what exactly the difference is.

How to get ShieldPRO

ShieldPRO comes packed with many essential features for those who need their WordPress security to be at the top of its game.

You can subscribe for ShieldPRO here.

But that’s not all. We have the ShieldPRO trial available, too. 🙂

By simply registering your email & URL, you can get all ShieldPRO features activated on your site for free, for 14 days.
(no credit cards required, or anything like that).

Get your Free Trail here!

Is there a way to get ShieldPRO features for free?

Yes, there is.

ShieldPRO is provided to all our iControlWP customers.

If you want Pro for free, go sign-up for a trial with iControlWP and get your sites connected. Not only do you get ShieldPRO, but you get automatic WordPress offsite backups, but much more besides, including:

  • bulk plugins / themes management
  • database optimization tools
  • cleanup tools
  • Google Analytics insertion (no need for extra GA plugins)
  • WordPress users and comments management
  • Reporting, white labelling and more!

Questions, Comments and Suggestions?

We’re here for you… your feedback molds the service we offer.

Let us know what you think or if you have any questions about ShieldPRO.