This is the Episode 2 of Ask Paulie Anything.

In this video, I’m going to answer the next 2 questions and one of them is related to the SSL which is, apart from the EU GDPR legislation answered in Episode 1, the second most popular question out there.


Hello, and welcome to Episode 2 of Ask Paulie Anything.

We’ve just completed the processing of Ask Paulie Anything – Episode 1. It took a little bit longer than I’d hoped, little bit more editing than I’d like, but I guess that will get easier in time as I get a little bit more comfortable with this. We’ve also even transcribed the video so that those that “don’t like the video” can also get access to the Q&A that I put in there.

So what I want to do in going forward is to keep the videos a little bit shorter, a little bit tighter, say the word “um” a little less often hopefully 😀 and get answering more questions a lot quicker.

In that spirit, I’m just going to jump into the first question and where appropriate, I’m going to actually read out the question, more or less, to give you guys a little bit of context around the question.

First Question: SSL

Milly asks:

“I’m very aware these days of the importance of the “green path log” as a part of site security and I have SSL Certificate on my site. As a part of outreach for my new WordPress website, I’m ramping up to do Guest Blogging. None of the sites I’ve targeted so far have their own SSL Certificate. That means the backlink from my author bio would come from unsecured sites. How negative would this type of backlink be for my site in the eyes of the search engines?”

OK… SSL is big topic obviously.

So, basically (I find when I did my last video I say “basically” a lot :D), how negative are these types of backlinks? They’re not likely to be negative, so long as they are legitimate backlinks, so long as the links coming to your site are coming from what Google views or other search engine views as legitimate websites, and they’re not spam.

That they are not SSL, doesn’t really matter.

Google said quite a while ago that it was going to start favoring SSL over non-SSL websites in their rankings.

Having SSL on your own site is important. As you say you do have SSL on your site, so that’s great.

So, that’ll give you the extra points, ranking “juice” from Google because you’re SSL. But that doesn’t mean that just because the sites themselves do not have SSL that they are not legitimate backlinks. They are perfectly legitimate backlinks.

I would say, and not that I’m Google search engine or SEO expert, those sites themselves that have or do not have SSL certificates on their sites would themselves be ranked by Google somewhere… they will have a higher ranking if they themselves have SSL but that doesn’t mean not having SSL is a negative ranking factor. It just means that they don’t get that extra bonus and therefore, that extra bonus will not make its way down to you over the page rank.

As I said, I’m no SEO expert but as I understand none SSL backlinks are not detrimental to you. The more backlinks you have, the better.

I hope that helps answer a little bit about SSL and your site.

So, I’m going to move straight on to question number 2.

Second Question: #weallneedfuel

Question number 2 comes from Kelly. She asks:

“Hi Paulie,
I can’t come out with any good WP related questions but I would love to know what is “the fuel” that keep you going: coffee, Dr Pepper? #weallneedfuel”

Obviously, all these questions I’m going to answer are not necessarily WordPress related or even tech related.

Basically (there’s that word again), I’m a “tea junky”. I sometimes drink coffee, I do like coffee but the caffeine goes straight to my heart, so I don’t drink too much of it. I’m a lover of tea, I’m Irish, so that’s kind of “given”.  🙂 And what else… chocolate – I have recently fallen in love with McVittie’s Digestive Thins which is a fantastic combination of biscuit and chocolate (not too much biscuit – nice dark chocolate).

So, that Q&A will probably not do any good but I guess it gives you a little bit of background on me every day.

I’ve decided (talking about Ask Paulie Anything) to try to make this a little bit more regular. As I said, the videos are going to be a little bit shorter, a little bit punchier and hopefully, I’ll get a lot more questions out and it will not take so long to edit and post, produce them.

Hope that was helpful in some way. Of course, if you have any questions yourself, fire them into the form either below or to the side or subscribe… whatever makes you happy. 🙂

Thanks for watching the video, I appreciate it and I look forward to seeing you in the next one. Cheers! 🙂

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