Block Bots.
Protect Users.
Secure Vulnerabilities.
Shield Does It All.

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ShieldPRO is the only security solution built to work seamlessly with all of these:

Logo: Yoast SEO
Logo: Gravity Forms
Logo: Advanced Custom Fields
Logo: MainWP
Logo: Contact Form 7
Logo: WPML
Logo: Ninja Forms
Logo: WPForms
Logo: BuddyPress
Logo: Woocommerce
Logo: Elementor PRO
Logo: Formidable Forms
Logo: Elegant Themes

Global Shield Stats Summary.

How shield is protecting WordPress sites all over the globe

0+ million Login Blocks
0+ million Firewall Blocks
0+ million Malicious Bots Blocked
0+ million Fake Google/Search Bots
0+ million IPs Blocked
0+ million IP Offenses
0+ million Bot: XML-RPC
0+ million Bot: Username Probing
@worldofrath's Gravatar


@captainrogers's Gravatar

Like having Agent Coulson and a quinjet full of agents protecting your site

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@jonrittmann's Gravatar

5 Stars to the great firewall

@marcosabcarvalho's Gravatar

Solved the problem by brute-force attack on the login page.

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@michasig's Gravatar

it’s a good thing

@dawnjohn's Gravatar


@widenous's Gravatar


@pjernigan's Gravatar

Great Security for your website


There are many WP Admins just like you…

You’re not the first to search for a security solution that really works.

1,000s of members love the difference that Shield Security makes, and they’re more than happy to share their experience.

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PRO Security That Has Your Back

ShieldPRO is accessible to everyone.
It gives you a toolkit with everything you need to expertly secure your site, without being a security expert.

ShieldPRO isn't about security alerts. We're all tired of those.
Instead, Shield does most of the heavy lifting for you, so you can get back to focusing on the work you love to do.

View All Features →
WordPress SPAM User Registrations

Block WordPress SPAM User Registrations

Add-On: Formidable Forms + Shield Integration

Block Malicious Bots On Formidable Forms

Advanced Password Policies

Harden User Passwords - A Common Source Of Account Hacking

Custom 2FA & MFA Pages

Add Shield’s 2FA & MFA UI Anywhere On Your Site


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